Turismo De Poker Definicion
Actividad o hecho de viajar por placer. Conjunto de los medios conducentes a facilitar los viajes de turismo. Conjunto de personas que hace viajes de turismo. Ecuador is the country with the greatest biodiversity in relation to its size, is a magical country, scene of a surprising nature, diverse cultures and varied customs. It has natural treasures such as the Galapagos, the Amazon rainforest and the.
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia.
Acronym | Definition |
GTO | Gran Turismo Omologato (Ferrari & Pontiac models) |
GTO | Go To |
GTO | Guanajuato (México) |
GTO | Greater Than One (various locations) |
GTO | Getting to Outcomes (various locations) |
GTO | Groothandel Truck Onderdelen (Dutch: Wholesale Truck Parts) |
GTO | Great Teacher Onizuka (Japanese series) |
GTO | Getting Too Old |
GTO | Game Theory Optimal (poker) |
GTO | Guide to Operations |
GTO | Gran Turismo Omologato |
GTO | Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit |
GTO | Gate Turn-Off thyristor |
GTO | Geostationary Transfer Orbit |
GTO | Gas to Olefins |
GTO | Golgi Tendon Organ (anatomy) |
GTO | Group Training Organisations (Australia) |
GTO | Geographic Targeting Order |
GTO | Gomer Tip Over (medical slang) |
GTO | Good Time Oldies |
GTO | General Telecommunications Organization |
GTO | German Toilet Organization (Berlin, Germany) |
GTO | Grosser Tiegel Offset (Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG) |
GTO | Get Tools Out (car slang) |
GTO | Gas, Tires & Oil |
GTO | Guaranteed Time Observer |
GTO | Gas Transmission Office |
GTO | Gorontalo, Indonesia - Tolotio (Airport Code) |
GTO | Group Technology & Operations |
GTO | Gate Turn-Off Switch |
GTO | Grand Tourisme de l'Ouest (French automobile dealer) |
GTO | Guaranteed Observing Time |
GTO | Gets Towed Often (cars) |
GTO | Guaranteed Term Option |
GTO | Global Tax Outsourcing |
GTO | Grand Touring Option (Pontiac) |
GTO | Gross Turn Over (rate) |
GTO | Global Threat Overview |
GTO | General Text Output |
GTO | Gathering of the Triumvirate of Om |
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